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Assessment of Recorded Session Sign-Up

Coherence Therapy Training & Certification Program

Book an assessment with a Certified Trainer

The Assessment consists of a Certified Trainer carefully studying a video or audio recording (submitted electronically as a media file and accompanied by full transcript as a text file) of your session or session segments up to 50 minutes long, and then providing feedback to you in a 1-hour online video meeting with you. A written version of the Trainer's notes will also be provided to you.


Within one week of paying tuition, you will receive an email from a Trainer to arrange for sending your recording and to schedule your feedback session. If it does not appear, please check your spam folder.


Certification requires one Assessment of a full session that is found to demonstrate significant furthering of the process of Coherence Therapy and is free of any significant departures from the methodology.


You may also submit a recording consisting of clips from different sessions, but in that case the Assessment cannot be applied toward Certification.



CANCELLATIONS/REFUNDS:  You may cancel your enrollment in Assessment of Recorded Session and receive a refund only prior to submitting any of the materials (recording or transcript).  Your refund will be the tuition you paid minus a US$100 processing fee.  To cancel, send an email titled "Cancelling Assessment of Recorded Session" to

After clicking submit below, the tuition payment page will appear.
Your application is not complete until tuition is paid.

Assessment of Recorded Session
Do you intend to pursue Certification?

(For minimum requirements for requesting a certification review, click here.)

Your Individual Practicum enrollment information has been received! You will be contacted within a week to arrange for sending your session recording.

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