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Email Discussion Group

Coherence Psychology Institute


This discussion group (listserv) is operated by the Coherence Psychology Institute (CPI) for mental health clinicians, university teachers, graduate students, research psychologists and neuroscientists who have a professional interest in deep, lasting therapeutic change brought about through memory reconsolidation. Discussion includes Coherence Therapy as a particularly transparent implementation of memory reconsolidation, and other systems of therapy discussed for how they do, or do not, fulfill the brain's requirements for memory reconsolidation. Please note, this listserv is not for the general public.

For example, therapists can invite discussion or guidance regarding specific current cases (with care to maintain confidentiality by avoiding identity-relevant details); share about specific techniques and procedures; or post questions or comments about how memory reconsolidation advances our understanding of transformational change, psychotherapy integration, attachment work, or specific versus common factors.

Those are the main topics of the book Unlocking the Emotional Brain: Eliminating Symptoms at Their Roots Using Memory Reconsolidation, and its readers will be guided to this listserv as the book's discussion community.

University teachers can post questions about those topics, discuss how to teach them, or discuss reconsolidation research findings.

New developments will be posted by the CPI, such as new reconsolidation articles or new research publications and results.


  • Each email message sent to the group's address by a member is delivered to all members.

  • Every reply message likewise goes to all members (or you may opt for a private reply).

  • There are no fees or costs whatsoever for participating in this listserv.


  • It's easy. To set up your subscription and begin receiving the group's messages, enter a few pieces of information on the set-up page.

  • When you post messages, make sure your email return address is the same address as in your listserv subscription.



  • Title the messages you send to the group as specifically as possible, so group members can easily know whether your message is of particular interest to them.

  • If you opt to receive the Digest (daily compilation) format: (a) your reply post should always be retitled to match the specific post you are replying to, and (b) please do not include a copy of Digest you are replying to.


  • Participants are responsible for maintaining clear, relevant, constructive, courteous, professional communication. Differences of opinion are welcome if expressed in a professional manner, with care to avoid words that would too easily come across as disparagement or denigration.

  • The List Administrator reserves the right to eliminate from participation any subscriber (member) whose communication to the group or to any member fails to be adequately constructive, courteous and professional, in the view of the List Administrator.

  • Privacy Policy: The list of members and their email addresses will never be distributed by the List Administrator or the owners of the Coherence Psychology Institute.

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